How to Write a Photography Brief
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  • A.Sajdler

How to Write a Photography Brief

A good photography brief outlines and specifies the photoshoot objectives, facts, and other details. It gives both the photographer and the client a clear overview of the project. For the client, it helps them define what they want to achieve with the project and for the photographer to understand what the creative outcomes should be. It also validates the importance of the project as an investment.

The Importance of a Well-Structured Brief

Picture this: a well-organized event is about to unfold, and you want to ensure every moment is captured beautifully. That's where a photography brief comes into play. A detailed brief acts as a roadmap for me, the event photographer, helping me understand your expectations, the event's purpose, and the desired photography style.

The Essentials of a Photography Brief

Event Details: Begin with the basics. Provide the event date, time, and location. This helps me plan for lighting conditions and equipment needs. If the event spans multiple locations or days, make sure to include all relevant information.

Event Overview: Give me a glimpse of what the event is all about. Is it a corporate conference, a product launch, or a team-building seminar? Understanding the event's purpose helps me align my creative approach with your goals.

Key Moments: Highlight the must-capture moments. Are there specific presentations, award ceremonies, or networking sessions you want to be documented? This ensures I'm in the right place at the right time.

Photography Style: Describe the mood you want to convey through the photographs. Do you prefer candid shots that capture the energy of the event, or are posed group photos more your style? Share any references or examples to help me visualize your vision.

Deliverables: Let me know how many final images you're expecting and in what format. Are these images intended for social media, marketing materials, or internal use? Clarity here ensures you receive exactly what you need.

Shot List: If there are specific people, moments, or elements you want to focus on, list them. This could include speakers, VIPs, branding details, or decor highlights.

Contact Information: Share your contact details, and if possible, have a designated point of contact on-site during the event. List all crew and phone numbers, this helps keep everything organised on the day if you need to contact someone quickly. It is also a good idea to set up a whatsapp group before the shoot and share the brief there as well.

It's all in the planning

Before even starting to write your brief think about the following, this will make sure you have really clear expectations and the photographer can deliver what you need:

What are the goals of the project?

· Should the photos inspire the audience or cause a reaction?

· Should it make them think about particular issues and/or resolutions?

· Should the photos just sell the brand and attract the audience to buy a product/ service?

Who is the target audience?

Who are the target viewers of the images? Knowing the audience will help photographers come up with creative ideas that suit the goals and objectives of the photoshoot. Images at appeal to one group of people might not necessarily appeal to others, eg Gen z and baby boomers might not share the same visual ideals.

Models, MUA, Stylists

Will there be models; does the shoot also require hair and makeup artists, how about stylists? Define the role for each model and make sure MUA’s and stylists are properly briefed before the shoot. It is also a good idea to get all model releases arranged and signed before the shoot to not slow down the creative time on the day.

Where are the images going to be used?

This is crucial information for the photographer as the use will define the composition of the images, affected editing, image and file size. If it is for a social media campaign what channels will you be focusing on? Instagram feed or stories? If it is for print will it be a magazine advert or large billboard? Knowing this information in advance will help the photographer to prepare accordingly.


Creating a mood board can be a great visual help, share example images of the style you want to create, key colours and themes.

Setting the Stage for Success

Creating a photography brief is an art in itself. A well-crafted brief not only communicates your expectations but also empowers me to provide you with images that truly capture the essence of your event. Remember, the more details you provide, the more tailored your final images will be.

So, dear event organisers, let's team up and create visual stories that reflect the heart and soul of your corporate events. With a clear and comprehensive photography brief, we're on our way to crafting a memorable collaboration that resonates with your audience and tells the story you want to share. Let's make every snapshot count!

Feel free to download this example photography brief to use as a template for your next event.

Example Photography Brief
Download DOCX • 14KB

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